Archive for June, 2018


Maizie’s Musings: Endless Water…

As you may have deduced, I drink a lot of water. Especially in the summertime. I seem to need a lot of water right after I come in from protecting my yard from the winged invaders. Quite obviously, it takes a lot of energy to ensure my people and my yard are safe from these vermin. That’s why I need the water after I come inside.

The Mom person can take a long time to refill my water bowl. I don’t understand why this is. She goes by it several times a day–the woman must be brain damaged.

But, I don’t seem to have to worry about that these days! The Mom person got me a new water bowl–it’s rather enormous and has this big bubble-like thing at the back of it.

I don’t know how the Mom person does this, but the water bowl never seems to run out of water anymore. No matter how much I drink, the water bowl stays full! It must be magic. 


Word of the Week: flocculate

Good morning, Word Lovers! Last week’s WOW was veld. According to Merriam-Webster Online, veld means a grassland especially of southern Africa usually with scattered shrubs or trees. The father-in-law was in “the vicinity” with his guess, but I don’t think any of us would have guessed that this term is specific to a particular geographic area.

This week’s WOW is flocculate. Here are my guesses for flocculate:

flocculate (ˈflä-kyə-ˌlāt) 1. the act of birds flocking together. 2. spraying probable ozone-depleting carcinogens on a Texan Christmas tree in an effort to keep all the needles from falling off the week before Christmas 3. speculating about who will get a birdie on the golf course next 4. a word one should say very, very carefully

What are your guesses for flocculate? Comment below!

Wednesday’s Post: Aiding a Kitchen

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