
As God’s Scribe: Relentlessly…

“I am the Lord, your God, maker of Heaven and Earth. You do not seek me, yet I seek you relentlessly. Do not pursue the things of this world; no–seek me instead. For I will be with you to the end of this age and I will not desert you. You can rely upon me all the days of your life.

I will seek you without ceasing, for you are worth far more than any treasure found here on Earth. I created you to be the salt of this Earth, to spread light to all the kingdoms of Earth. They are in desperate need of the light I give you, a light that can quench all darkness.

The world does not see as I see; it casts out darkness to spread venom to all the nations. The weak shall inherit this Earth, the redeemed Earth, and all shall be well in those days. Do not seek evil; seek me. I, too, am worth far more than the riches of this Earth and am worthy of your praise. The meek shall inherit this Earth and all that is in it, for they understand the unwillingness of men to value what is truly valuable.”

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