Posts Tagged ‘Oratio’


Lectio Divina…

2 John

2 John

Happy Easter! Hope you are having an inspired Holy Week!

For those of you unfamiliar with contemplative Christianity, you may look at the title of this post and have this reaction: Say what?

It’s okay. A few short months ago I was right there with you. But, Lectio Divina is now one of my favorite ways to read my Bible. Thus, let’s get an overview of this prayer and reading practice.

First, it’s pronounced: Lexio Deeveena. Yep, it took me a while to learn to pronounce it that way, too. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really help because there are another slew of Latin words that comprise the different parts of Lectio Divina that you also have to learn. (Egad.)

Here are the parts, one version of their pronunciation, and a quick definition of each:

  1. Lectio – Reading.
  2. Meditatio – pronounced med-ee-tah-tee-oh – meditation on the reading.
  3. Oratio – pronounced or-rah-tee-oh – prayer.
  4. Contemplatio – pronounced cone-tem-plah-tee-oh – contemplative prayer.
  5. Compassio – pronounced comb-pahs-see-oh – carry the word.