Posts Tagged ‘pandiculation’


Word of the Week: ablution

Dictionary --Word of the Week

Good morning, Word Nerds! Did you have a restful weekend? Good! That makes one of us. See my post this coming Wednesday for why. 

Last week’s WOW (Word of the Week) was vox populi. Okay, so it’s two words. Merriam-Webster’s definition of vox populi is: popular sentiment. There was actually a little bit of debate about this within the family and I think the highly knowledgeable father-in-law won the debate! Hint, Hint: I’d love even more debate for WOW, so argue away, as far as I’m concerned!

This week’s WOW is ablution. This word sounds so familiar to me, but I sure am not coming up with the definition! Can I chalk this up to Pre-heimers??? Here are my guesses for ablution:

ablution: (ə-ˈblü-shən) 1. abdomen pollution 2. an absolute solution 3. able dilution

What’s your guess for ablution? Submit a guess below this post! And debate away, gang!

Wednesday’s Post: Pictures and Tales from the Log-Raising!

You Might Also Like: Word of the Week: vox populi and Word of the Week: pandiculation


Word of the Week: vox populi

Dictionary --Word of the Week

Good morning, Word Nerds! Last week’s WOW was pandiculation. The Merriam-Webster definition for pandiculation is: a stretching and stiffening especially of the trunk and extremities (as…after waking from sleep). This definition came from my bestest buddy:

“A panda verbalizing. Panda- from the Latin Pandus as in spreading round in a wide curved arch (I believe that Pandas were originally named this because of their wide, curved bottoms) iculation-from the Latin Locutiounis as in style of speaking. Thus the inferred meaning: Pandas have wide bottoms that make noise”

Now you know why she’s my bestest buddy. If you think this is amusing, go to a Star Wars movie with her. I’m amazed we didn’t get kicked out of theaters for antics during the fight scenes.

Today’s WOW (Word of the Week) is vox populi. Today I feel like giving you an extra definition. Here are my definition guesses for it:

vox populi (ˈväks-ˈpä-pyü-ˌlī) 1. many voices 2. verbosity 3. deafening sound 4. the chaos resulting from my household feeding an entire sports team Wednesday night dinner


Word of the Week: pandiculation

Dictionary --Word of the Week

Good morning, Word Nerds! Last week’s Word of the Week (WOW) was solecism. The daughter says that studying for the GRE taught her the meaning of solecism. She thinks it means “a grammatical error.” Merriam-Webster Online: a mistake in speech or writing –OR–an impolite or improper way of behaving. So, the money spent on GRE study materials paid off!

Conclusion? I didn’t study enough for the GRE.

This week’s WOW is pandiculation. Here are my definition guesses for pandiculation:

pandiculation (pan-ˌdik-yə-ˈlā-shən) 1. speculation by Peter Pan 2. speech that tells the public there will be yet another remake about Peter Pan 3. a totally mind-blowing thought

What’s your guess for pandiculation? Tell me by posting a comment below! Good luck!

Wednesday’s Post: What does styrofoam have to do with building a log cabin?

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