Posts Tagged ‘phreaker’


Word of the Week: somnolent

Greetings, Word Lovers! The last WOW was semelparous. According to Merriam-Webster online, semelparous means reproducing or breeding only once in a lifetime. If you know the hubby, then you’re probably wondering why I didn’t know this word. If he knew it, I don’t recall him telling me what it meant, either. However, as bad as my memory is getting, he probably did!

This week’s WOW is somnolent. Here are my guesses for somnolent:

somnolent: (ˈsäm-nə-lənt) 1. able to sleep 2. sleepy 3. the state of becoming violent when you don’t have Xanax at night

What’s your guess for somnolent? Comment below with your guess!

Next Post: Logging Off

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Word of the Week: semelparous

Last week’s WOW was phreaker. No one seemed to have a guess for this one and honestly, that’s a relief to me. I was starting to think my vocabulary was quite limited since many have known the recent Words of the Week! Don’t get me wrong–I thoroughly enjoy it whenever you comment and do know it–it’s just a relief that occasionally we are both learning a new word!

Here’s what Merriam-Webster says about phreaker: one who gains illegal access to the telephone system. I guess that’s the phone version of hacker? If so, then I’m anti-phreak.

This week’s WOW is semelparous. Here are my guesses for it:

semelparous (se-ˈmel-pə-rəs) 1. half transparent 2. someone who is semi-enthusiastic about Paris 3. a state that occurs when your pores are only half clogged

What are your guesses for semelparous? Comment below to educate me!

Next Post: Pictures!

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Word of the Week: phreaker

Good morning, Word Fans! Last week’s WOW was nescience. The Merriam-Webster definition for nescience is: lack of knowledge or awareness or ignorance. No one guessed the meaning to this work so I guess we’re all showing our nescience about nescience????

Today’s WOW is phreaker. Here are my definition guesses for phreaker:

phreaker (ˈfrē-kər) 1. a streaker carrying a phone 2. one who freaks about philosophy 3. a speaker who only speaks in phrases (In other words, a poet.)

What is your guess for phreaker? Comment below and let’s see who came closest.

Next Post: Painting Exterior Doors

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