Archive for May, 2022


A Review of A Woman’s Heart…

Why Read this Book?

For the few men who brave MIP, you may think that reading a book about women’s cardiology is a waste of your time. Let me assure you that men could learn as much as their hearts as we women learn about ours if we all read A Woman’s Heart by Dr. Angela Maas. If you ask me, once you become an adult, everyone, everywhere, should read this book.

Since many cardiologists and doctors are not up-to-date on my weird heart condition, I have had to read more research about it than I care to mention. I’ve also learned a lot from my fellow vasospastic and microvascular disease compadres that are members of a Facebook group I help to moderate. Indeed, I now mentor some members who hail from a variety of countries because I’ve been dealing with this nutty condition for decades.

I’m not stating the above to  brag–I continue to be a student, and an ignorant one at that, on how this condition affects my body. But, it is becoming increasingly rare that I learn new information on it and much cardiovascular material does not pertain to my condition. So, when recommended to me, I was skeptical about it teaching me something new about the human heart. I only read it because people I respect with this condition were raving about it.

I now get it. Even as I read the first few pages, I was already learning a lot of new things about my heart! Thankfully, Dr. Maas, a world-renown cardiologist, has written this book in lay language that even I can understand. When reading cardiology research, I often have to look up their four-page long medical terms. And when a lay term won’t do, Dr. Maas carefully and clearly defines that medical term for me.