
As God’s Scribe: Rejoice When They Do…


“Be careful when you proclaim my name to all people. Some will persecute you for your bravery and courage but do not hesitate to do good and speak well of my cause. Some will refuse to listen to you because wolves in sheep’s clothing have persuaded them that my people are inherently evil.

The reality is that all people have failed me and those they should love, and they, just like everyone else, deserve my love and forgiveness. To forgive such as these is to demonstrate my power to change hearts into obedient, loving, and kind human beings.

Many will hear you, but they will fail to respond to me in any meaningful, lasting way. Likewise, a small remnant will hear you and be changed forever. Rejoice when they do, for they will be a force for good in my kingdom.

A small group can change a thousand hearts, so it is important for this small remnant to learn how to successfully proclaim my name. Teach them how to do this. Do not worry about this; I will give you the words to help them mature as Christians.

Love one another, for I love you. It is an active process to love others, so seek my face in doing so.”

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