Spiritual Direction

MaryAnn has a certificate in spiritual direction from the HeartPaths DFW program.

Spiritual direction is a way of providing companionship and gentle guidance to those who want to deepen their relationship with, and experience of, God. MaryAnn meets with her directees once a month for an hour each time for this purpose.

If interested in pursuing direction with MaryAnn, she would meet you at a mutually-agreed upon location and discuss whether or not it would be beneficial to meet each month. This first meeting is free.

Because MaryAnn has operating expenses to provide spiritual direction, she must charge for these services. Directees can either elect to pay her set fee or bring their most recent tax return and MaryAnn will merely look at the gross income figure to determine the fee on a sliding scale.

For further information, please go here. If you do not live in MaryAnn’s geographical area, you may wish to find a spiritual director closer to where you live. Spiritual Directors International maintains a database of current spiritual directors globally. Go here to find directors near you.