Posts Tagged ‘Maytag’


Log Rhythms: Aid for the Kitchen…

Well, my best laid plans for getting you some updated pics of the cabin did not occur. My latest health adventures prevented me from trekking to the cabin. I’d like to say that I will be there this next weekend to do just that, but I have other commitments on the plate and that just won’t happen until the end of this month–my apologies for the delay.

It’s ironic that I used the term “on the plate” because today I’m telling you about our fantastic kitchen and laundry room appliances. You need to know a few things first:

  1. The hubby’s a great amateur chef. He likes better than average kitchen appliances.
  2. I can cook and bake, but I can go 335 days without either activity, and be perfectly content.
  3. The only time of year I cook and bake is at Thanksgiving and Christmas. The hubby and I go all out for those two holidays, food-wise. Thus, we need a LOT of room when we do so.
  4. I like appliances that either self-clean or are easy to clean, since I’m “the maid.”